Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fast Coffee Tea

People generally fall into two categories:  those that would never consider purchasing tea or coffee at a fast coffee outlet (e.g. Starbucks, Gloria Jeans) and those that never purchase theirs anywhere else.

I have varied over the years in which of the two categories I fall into but since giving up coffee, I would rarely have cause to frequent a fast coffee outlet.

However, the genius that is Starbucks has invented a beverage to capture the tea-lover market:  the English Breakfast Tea Latte.

I recall my first EBT Latte.  I purchased it at Darling Harbour with my fiance and we were both so surprised that it actually tasted like english breakfast tea.

I later discovered the secret: an actual english breakfast tea bag.  Genius!

They wack in some hot water, a genuine Tazo tea bag, some steamed milk and a shot of the classic syrup and there you have it - a delicious, sweet, creamy cup of tea.  And it doesn't taste half bad.  In fact it is one of my staple favourites.

I dare you to take up the fast coffee challenge and try and EBT Latte for yourself.  Pure fast coffee heaven!

Besides, not matter how often one dines on fine food, sometimes only Macca's will hit the spot!

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