Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Es-sencha-lly Green and Grassy

There is something healthy and ever so self-righteous about tucking into a cup of green tea.  I decided to take it one step further and be frankly pretentious.  Rather than just trying green tea, I decided to try Sencha from T2.

Sencha is a japanese green tea.  It is lighter in colour and in taste (apparently) than usual green tea.

I have to admit I was disappointed with Sencha.  I sometimes find green tea a bit too astringent and strong and was hoping this would be all the things I loved about green tea without that.  It was not to be.

It smells like grass and tastes like grass.  Lovely healthy tasty grass, but still grass.  It was mildly astringent but not as much as a straight green tea.  It was also a quite strong taste which I wasn't expecting.

I have held onto the tea bag as I am hopeful that the second brewing will be a bit more mellow and enjoyable.  They do say with tea that the first is the worst, the second is the best and the third is the second best. 

Ok, so that last bit doesn't rhyme but saying the third is the bird wouldn't have made sense to anyone.

So sorry if you are a sencha lover but I found it only slightly more enjoyable than popping down the park and making like a cow.

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