The hotel is absolutely palatial! It feels like stepping back in time to the era when women were women and men were men. When tea was a national sport!

We were seated at a lovely little table complete with white linen and silver accessories.
We both chose the New Yorker High Tea which featured the usual little sandwiches, scones with a divine peach jam and an array of New York themed mini desserts, including cannoli, chocolate cupcakes and New York cheesecakes.
We both ordered the signature Afternoon Tea blend. It was a black tea, not unlike English Breakfast. Whilst I was keen to record the wonders of its flavour and smell, I was a little overwhelmed by the event and instead chose to merely bask in the sights, sounds and flavours of the experience as a whole.
For all its magic there were a few flaws: the maitre d' was not the friendliest of sorts (mind you we were there on the Labor Day holiday and I expect she would have much preferred to be home) and they provided sugar sticks on the tables rather than sugar cubes which rather irked me for some reason. I suppose I had expected the high tea at such a revered institution to maintain as much tradition as possible in the setting and accessories.