Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tingly Mint Tisane

One of my favourite tea empires (or is it empiresses), Madame Flavour has released some delicious organic tisanes.  For the uninitiated, a tisane is a herbal tea.  Since herbal teas don't actually include tea leaves in the brew, they aren't strictly tea at all.  Hence, tisanes.

I had the pleasure of trying the new Organic Mint Tisane.  Unlike many teas, even the organic mint tea bags are tasty looking.  Bright green mint leaves and tiny blue flower petals (cornflower petals I expect) jumble randomly in the cute cornsilk bag.  Even the smell is quite amazing.  I opened the packet to be greeted by the most intense scent.  Like inhaling a packet of Mint Slice biscuits.  Yum!

The brewed tisane looks like liquid gold.  It is a beautiful yellow with a less intense minty smell.  More like a vintage mint, but still fresh enough for a big sniff to clear the nose.

The taste is really beautiful.  It starts in the mouth as a slight minty taste almost like mint on a green tea base but without any of the astringency that marks green tea.  Then it develops after swallowed into a tingly minty taste all over your mouth.  I've very invigorating without being overpowering.  Each sip is a little warm zing of freshness!

Such a lovely way to start a summer's day or even for an afternoon pep up!

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